History, Society
Behind bars
Germany's most famous prisons and their inmates
Famous felons make prisons unforgettable places of the German penal system. The fascination for their stories behind bars and the historically famous places of punishment remains unbroken to this day: Stadelheim, Spandau, Stammheim, Hohenschönhausen or Santa Fu. Although the inmates served time for serious and sometimes inhumane crimes, there is always something mysterious and fascinating about these institutions.
The documentary HINTER GITTERN tells the story of Germany's best-known prisons and their most famous inmates, thus also reflecting the development of the penal system. Each prison symbolises a turning point in German history. The narrative is flanked by a recourse to the early history of the penal system. When were the first prisons established? How did they develop? The documentary also looks back in a short sequence and presents places where people were locked up, detained or literally forgotten as early as the Middle Ages.
Buch / Regie
Nicola Graef